Auto insurance rates are one of the most important factors you’ll consider when selecting a policy. If you are moving from one city to the next, though, you may notice that your rate changes in the process. This is not a coincidence.
Here’s more on why your location impacts your rates.
What Impacts the Cost of Auto Insurance?
While a variety of factors play a role in car insurance costs — including your driving record, age and even the car itself — where you live factors in as well. Insurance companies focus on risk when determining cost. The more risk your policy will be to them, the more expensive the policy will be to you. When it comes to location, risk matters.
Most insurance companies use a great deal of data to factor in costs based on risk for various locations. If you live in an area where there are high crime rates, the risk that your car will be stolen or vandalized is higher. If you live in an area with a high number of ticketed drivers due to higher speed limits, this too can impact your score. Fraud rates in some areas can impact your costs as well.
Also keep in mind that car insurance companies zero in on accidents. If you live in an area where there is a high number of accidents on a routine basis, insurers will see you as an increased risk.
What Can You Do About It?
Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about where you live, except move. While you may not be able to control geographic elements of the cost, you can control the amount of risk you present to the insurance company yourself. It is a good idea to stay free of accidents and moving violations. And be sure to shop for an insurance plan that doesn't put as much focus on location (not all insurers do). This can help to support your needs for a lower insurance rate.
Get a quote today. Call The McCallum Insurance Agency at 440-899-2700 for more information on the Westlake, OH auto insurance policies we offer.